domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

I'm so into the beast thing

Giles Deacon S/S 2012
Would you believe if i told you this would be a perfect dress for me to get married in?
It is a really symbolic dress. You have the white for purity (purity from the soul) and the red for blood. And the blood relates to something which is alive, which has life within itself, which is independent. And that's the opposite from the submissive bride dressed all-in-white.
So there you have, the beastier side is where i stand most of the times.

O mundo está perdido.

6 comentários:

  1. adorei :o obrigado espero que gostes, ele é muito recente mas tenho investido muito nele :)

  2. i love the idea of you shocking everyone by turning up at your wedding wearing this! It would be amazing, gorgeous gown!

  3. Well, your idea of a bride dress is very interesting, and that dress in amazing!^^

  4. Não me casava com ele, mas também não tenho intenções de me casar pela segunda vez, lol, mas que o vestido é lindo é!


    Obrigado pela passagem, querias sapatos? Já podes ir ver.

  5. Very Lady Gaga. That will be one rocking wedding. Xxxx


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